Monday, September 27, 2010

Johor Bahru Jusco Shopping - Taman Universiti 22 Sept 2010

Today, we took some time off to bring Mother into Johor Bahru, Malaysia as she was keen to go Jusco shopping. As we did not wish to go too far from the checkpoint, nor did we want to get into the heart of Johor Bahru, we decided to head for Jusco Taman Universiti.

As this is our first visit to Jusco Taman Universiti, we engaged the help of our trusted Garmin global positioning system to guide us there. True enough, we managed to find the place with no trouble at all.

Display at Jusco mall - Taman Universiti

Taman Universiti is a university town near Johor Bahru City in Malaysia where the majority of the population is made up of civil servants and students from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), a mere 5 minutes drive away.

Since we entered Malaysia around lunch time, our first stop was for some food. We decided to try the Sedap Corner which serves local Malaysian food.

Malaysian kuih

More varieties of Malaysian kuih wrapped in leaf

Yet another array of choice for the Malaysian kuih


Our lunch - fried egg and vegetables

Otak otak


Fish curry - our favourite

Chendol Dessert

Overall the food was not too bad. The fish curry was great tasting and all of us loved it. The soup, though, was a tad too saltish for Mother who has to watch her diet. The fried long beans was quite good as well.

It was a good and filling lunch!

Next was shopping in Jusco, the main reason why we came in. Mother had certain items which she wanted to shop for.

Buying freshly made kuih baulu (Malay traditional sponge cake) from a stall by the escalator

Holiday travel tip:-
You would not realise that this stall which sells tid bits and snacks had freshly made kuih baulu. It was only upon going up the escalator that we looked down and saw the oven with the kuih baulu baking inside. So if you like to try some kuih baulu or love eating them, look out for this stall.

Shop selling country style items

We just love anything that is country style, thus this shop was a great treat for us.

This Jusco is quite small compared to others that we have been to, but it is sufficient for a small town like Taman Universiti.

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