Ah Lan Beaded Shoes Signboard
Ah Lan Beaded Shoes is located at 84 Heeren Street. Do not be misled by the name as Ah Lan also has kebayas and sarongs if you are looking to come up with a matching set for your peranakan attire.

Ah Lan Nyonya Beaded Shoes

Peranakan Beaded Slippers
At Ah Lan's, you can have your peranakan beaded slippers specially made if you are not able to find the right size with your desired pattern. Just give them about three to four hours to get the specially made pair ready if they have the pattern.

Beaded patterns come in various colours and designs

Slippers from Vietnam

Kebayas (peranakan ladies tops)

Trying on the sarong

Kebaya top and sarong on a mannequin

Brooches for the kebaya top

Cheong sam - traditional Chinese wear
Ah Lan also stocks cheong sams, but in limited quantities.

Another cheong sam
Holiday Travel Tips:-
Having been to some other shops along Jonker Walk, we find the prices for the nyonya beaded shoes at Ah Lan's to be cheapest so far.
Ah Lan also sells bound feet shoes if you are looking for a unique souvenir.
Shoes for bound feet
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