Thursday, August 19, 2010

Los Angeles Passion - Day 3

Although our flight time was pushed back by forty-five minutes, we reached our destination, Los Angeles, just ten minutes after our scheduled arrival time. As we had already cleared US customs and immigration in Honolulu International Airport, we managed to exit in record timing. The bags also were placed on the conveyor belt in good time..

Los Angeles Airport shuttles We proceeded to the hotel shuttle service area and waited almost half an hour for the shuttle bus to Crowne Plaza International Airport hotel. By the time we reached the hotel at 0700 hrs, the receptionist was kind enough to check us in at that time of the morning.

Checking in at Los Angeles Airport Hotel - Crowne Plaza International

It was a relief to be able to soak in the bathtub, wash up and catch a short nap before catching the shuttle bus back to the LAX Airport. Our friends, Lionel and Lisa, were coming in via UA with an estimated time of arrival at 1111 hr.

Tempted to just jump into bed

We reached the LAX UA terminal 7 as advised by the shuttle driver but discovered that it should be Terminal 6 for international arrivals.

When we finally saw them exiting from the restricted area, they did not see us. Although we followed behind them closely all the way to the hotel shuttle area and they turned to look back a few times, they did not realize that we were behind them. When they were at the Honolulu International Airport shuttle area waiting for the bus, we were standing just next to them. It took a while before it registered to them that they knew this couple who were standing beside them. We had a great laugh about this!

Catching up with them on the happenings over the past few days, we waited for some time before the shuttle bus to Los Angeles Airport Hotel Crowne Plaza arrived. It was a great and pleasant surprise to see our Sex, Passion and Enlightenment facilitator, Steven Garrett, and his wife, Sonora, on the airport shuttle bus as well.

We had a wonderful time connecting once again with Steven who we met more than a year ago when we attended the Awakening Enlightenment Meditation retreat in Denver Colorado. That was a most wonderful experience for us and what got us started on this journey.

Los Angeles Airport Hotel

After the shuttle bus dropped us off at our accommodation, Crowne Plaza International, we spent some time with Steven and Sonora before we headed to our room where Lionel and Lisa started unpacking.

Lobby - Crowne Plaza International Airport Hotel

Another section of the lobby

Next we decided to have the buffet lunch at The Brasserie where a buffet comprising Pasta, Soup, Salad and dessert cost USD18. With the 50% lunch discount voucher that we were issued upon checking in, we enjoyed the great food. It was real value for money with our 50% discount voucher.

The Brasserie

Lunch at The Brasserie

Yummy bread rolls

Dessert counter

When lunch was over, we headed back to our room to allow Lionel and Lisa to freshen up before booking the Ocean Express bus at the reception counter at USD5 per person. This bus service is a loop service that stops at Downtown Manhattan Beach, Manhattan Village Shopping Centre as well as Plaza El Seguindo. These are all shopping areas where we could explore.

We enjoyed the beautiful 170C / 630F weather as we got into the open to take a short walk to the bus stop just around the corner. The Ocean Express bus arrived slightly behind schedule and it was a fifteen minutes ride to Manhattan Beach.

Taking a walk to the bus stop

Ocean Express Trolley service

Manhattan Beach

Downtown Manhattan Beach

By the beach

A beautiful beach with super soft white sand coupled with awesome breeze, it was heavenly just to stay and walk along the beach. Moving along the area, we spotted quite a few varieties of cactus, huge and with flowers too.

For pictures of the various lovely plants that we saw, visit Los Angeles Plants.

Exploring the shops around Manhattan Beach

Lovely cake decoration

Taking a slow stroll along the shops in Manhattan Beach, we then boarded the next Ocean Express Trolley which runs every half hourly and alighted at the next stop, Manhattan Village Shopping Centre.

Ocean Express Trolley

Manhattan Village Shopping Centre

At Manhattan Village

Godiva Chocolates

Here we had some fun time shopping and enjoying the lovely and unique items. It was not until a few hours later when our stomachs started rumbling and we realized it was time for dinner.

Manhattan Village at night

LA Foods, a restaurant with the concept of foods that you simply must try whilst in Los Angeles, caught our fancy.

LA Foods

We ended up devouring their roast rack of lamb, calamari as well as the chocolate molten cake with vanilla ice cream.


Roast rack of lamb


Chocolate molten cake

Mmmmmmm….. the dinner was delicious! With the wonderful company that we had, it was indeed a memorable time for us.

We managed to catch the 2140 hrs bus back to the Crowne Plaza hotel.

Having fun!

Upon entering our hotel room, we realized that there was a must smell as the carpet earlier had been slightly damp. We reported this to the Reception and managed to get a room change.

We finally got settled in and retired for the night by 0030 hrs. It had been a great day in Los Angeles and we could not wait for the Sex, Passion and Enlightenment workshop that starts tomorrow. mmmmmmmm..........................

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