Thursday, August 12, 2010

Honolulu International Airport - Aloha Hawaii - Transit 10 Jun 2010


Whilst on transit in Honolulu International Airport, we took the opportunity to hop onto the Honolulu International Airport Shuttle to town to explore the area, especially the famed Hawaii Waikiki Beach, as well as get some shopping done.

Aloha Hawaii - Honolulu International Airport

Waiting for the Honolulu International Airport Shuttle

In the morning:- To town, to town, to visit Waikiki Beach
In the evening:- Back again, back again, to Honolulu Airport

At the Food Court in Honolulu International Airport, you can have a choice of Chinese food from Chow Mein Express, pizza from California Pizza Kitchen or fast food from Burger King.

California Pizza Kitchen

ChowMein Express

Our ChowMein Express dinner

Burger King

Some pictures taken in Honolulu International Airport:-

State of Hawaii Department of Transportation

Kaloko (The Pond), Marble/Granite sculpture of Koloko, a coastal area near Makapu'u Point on Oahu

U.S. Navy

Kauhaleo Kane'oiie - Marble/Granite abstraction inspired by Kaneoiie Bay coastline and Ko'alau Mountains

More planes

Yet another plane

The actual plane in Honolulu International Airport

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