Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Holiday Vacation Meditation Retreat 18 Mar – 23 Mar 2010 Day 6

This is the last day for participants from the awakening enlightenment meditation retreat. Today we integrate the participants back to society and run through the insights they had throughout the past few days.

Setting Hearts Free

Some of the participants experienced a degree of enlightenment, or what is known as a direct experience. Those who did not break through into direct experience felt clearer in themselves and came away with useful insights to bring into their life. More found the whole process of all the dyads transformative. Many experienced some form of breakthroughs, some softer and others more explosive.


Food!!! Yummilicious!

Having fun!

Having a discussion

Time for video taking

Crewing for the event

Getting ready for the group photo

Oops! Hey! No kung fu stance here!!!

Our masters and senior monitor who looked after the participants and guided them in their path of self realization

After lunch and photo taking sessions, the participants left. Many had experienced great self realization and felt different from when they first walked in.

Participants leaving

With Masitah, from F&B department

Martin Hahn with Yati, GM's secretary

Chef who looked after all our meals

Hey! Hands out of the cookie jar!!!

After seeing the participants off and thanking the hotel staff, we proceeded to pack up and departed Summerset Resort Rompin at approximately 1630 hrs.
Beautiful serene picture of the lake at the entrance to Summerset Resort Rompin

Our masters

Local crew with Martin Hahn

Making our way back to Singapore, we turned off at Kota Tinggi and ended up at MYL Tandoori House for some Indian food for dinner. The food was good! However, because we had 2 'foreigners' with us who praised the food there, we felt that we were overcharged.

MYL Tandoori House

Nasi Briyani

Lamb curry


Chickpea curry

Enjoying our dinner

After dinner, we continued our drive back to Singapore. Stopping by the petrol kiosk to top up petrol, we realized that we had a gecko who had hitched a ride with us.

Little gecko

Martin Hahn earning his ride home

How fast time flies! Before we know it, the first Awakening Enlightenment Meditation Retreat to be held in Asia was over. It sure seemed a wonderful holiday vacation to go on where you get to explore the nature of reality. Some experienced a transformative union of self and truth. Others experienced a unique condition of direct, conscious experience that revealed their ultimate nature. Yet others went home more in touch with themselves and better able to relate authentically with others. Many experienced inner levels of inner peace and stillness of mind that they had never known. Beautiful! Bliss!

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