Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Holiday Vacation Meditation Retreat 18 Mar – 23 Mar 2010 Days 3, 4 & 5

Day 3 marks the second day of The Opening, a meditation retreat for participants. This particular awakening enlightenment retreat offers a distinct method of personal growth and self realization which provides a place for people to explore the ultimate questions of existence with practical guidance at each step along the way.

Martin Hahn introducing The Opening

Our unofficial videographer...

Our experienced masters facilitating the meditation retreat

Time to be at one with nature

Story time

Monitoring the space

Seeking guidance from the master

Using a Western communication technique known as a dyad - a special form of communication with a partner - this allows participants to gain substantial insight into themselves. This is totally unlike other meditation retreats where you sit by yourself for hours and go into contemplation, definitely not a tranquil nor silent affair.

Days 2, 3 and 4 of the Meditation Retreat went on with each and every participant exploring their inner depths. This method of self-awakening offers participants the possibility to safely explore into the nature of reality and for some to achieve a degree of the direct knowing that enlightened beings throughout the ages have experienced.

Monitoring the participants some of whom were undergoing breakthroughs in self realization

Answering questions from the participants

Unlike the Eastern approaches which emphasised the need for sustained meditation in silence, this technique of meditation was specially created for the Westerners, especially Americans, who yearned for contact and open communication.

This form of meditation retreat has now taken its place as a tool for self realization for people from all walks of life.

Setting Hearts Free

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