Monday, August 23, 2010

Los Angeles Passion Day 4

Attending the Los Angeles Sex, Passion & Enlightenment weekend

Day 4 of our trip, today is the day when we shall be starting our Sex, Passion and Enlightenment workshop. As the Sex, Passion and Enlightenment weekend was only starting at 1800 hrs this evening, we were going to meet the master trainer, Steven, at 1200 hrs. That being the case, we decided to catch up on some much-needed sleep so as to keep the jet lag at bay.

For breakfast, we had some cakes which we had brought along. Upon getting ready, we proceeded to the lobby area at 1140 hrs.

Although we were early, Steven was there already and had us follow him to the function room where the Sex, Passion and Enlightenment weekend was going to be held. Upon introducing the four of us from Singapore, he got us involved in the setting up of the room since we were intending to bring this event to Asia.

We had a fun time learning how to set up the function room as in the sound system, products table as well as decorating the stage with sarees. Somehow after the set up, the whole room had a different feel to it.

Buffet in The Brasserie, Los Angeles airport hotel, Crowne Plaza International

Yummy food



With friends

Breaking for lunch at 1300 hrs, we headed to The Brasserie and again took the Pasta buffet. The Manhattan Seafood soup was simply delicious. We enjoyed our lunch and at the same time getting to know another volunteer, Tony and his wife Napah.

After lunch, we met back at the function room where we continued with the final touches of the set up before having a staff meeting at 1430 hrs. After half an hour, we were released so that the staff could carry on with their duties and we returned to our room to have a short nap before showing up for the Sex, Passion and Enlightenment event at 1830 hrs.

Signboard at the lobby

Stage set up for Sex, Passion and Enlightenment weekend

Our trip here to Los Angeles was for a dual purpose. A) to learn how to staff the Sex, Passion and Enlightenment event as well as B) to participate in the event.

Registration for the event started at 1630 hrs. Doors opened at 1845 hrs and it was a good introduction to the masculine and feminine energy. Ending at 2315 hrs, everyone was eager for more.

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